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News 14 September 2020

EERAdata to facilitate discussions and suggest improvements around low carbon energy metadata

The EERAdata project intends to identify taxonometric elements and metadata common among different domains of the energy system. Proper metadata will enable separating expert knowledge and expert interest from general knowledge and general interest, allowing coarse-grained and fine-grained navigation.

Sailors navigate with the help of navigation points and beacons, as scientists search for publications with the help of keywords in libraries. To better support scientists as well as enabling automated search with algorithms, the network of scientific navigation points needs to be reinvented. Needed are shared metadata. These metadata need to be shared within one research community, but they also need to be aligned between different fields and disciplines. The current work in the EERAdata project is centered around these topics.

While islands of energy metadata exist, the connection between them is lacking. On this point, EERAdata facilitates the discussion across its use cases to create the missing links. Furthermore, EERAdata reviews existing metadata concepts to identify gaps and suggest improvements.

Moreover, to embed EERAdata activities beyond the project consortium, EERAdata joins the upcoming workshops organized under the framework of the EERA JP Wind and SETWind Annual Event and by the Research Data Alliance (RDA).

Later in the year, EERAdata will organize a paper writing workshop which is open to participants interested in energy metadata. A preparatory workshop will be offered at the beginning of November. Dates and agendas will soon be available.

Metadata memory game

To help better understand the concept, EERAdata has developed a small memory game where players need to identify triples while learning about metadata. A triple describes an example of metadata used in low carbon energy. Different formats, file types, and descriptions are introduced. Have access to it here